Holiday Ads: The More the Merrier
Now that we’re a few weeks into the new year, it’s safe to say that this past holiday season was unlike any other (perhaps maybe last year’s). But at Launch, we used that time to work together to create a very special holiday card to share with our friends, families, and clients.
We had a blast making the video, but the best part was knowing we were able to bring a smile or a chuckle to people who needed it. If you haven’t seen it yet, definitely check it out. And if you have seen it, feel free to watch it a second time!
As we were creating our own holiday card, we couldn’t help but reminisce about our favorite holiday ads that have stuck with us over the years. The ones that made us laugh and cry and that are packed with nostalgia. So, we asked the Launchers to share their favorites, and here are some of their top picks. Do you recognize any of these classics?
Man on The Moon (John Lewis 2015)
“All the John Lewis Xmas spots are great, but this one in particular strikes an emotional chord.” -Alex Slotkin
Snow People (Tim Hortons 2020)
“This one I saw earlier this year is my new favorite.” -Alexa Pérez
The Long Wait (John Lewis 2011)
“Best Christmas ad of all time. No one can convince me otherwise.” -Brian Dedering
Christmas Bells (Hershey’s 1989)
“I still love the Hershey’s Kiss ad. So simple but such a classic.” -Richard Wezensky
Time to Come Home (Edeka 2015)
“I love this one.” -Megan Robertson
Melting Snowman (Campbell’s Soup 1993)
“Now I want soup.” -Andrew Reimherr
Believe in the Wonder of Giving (Macy’s 2018)
“Hands down favorite holiday commercial ad.” -Alicia Douglas